The Before & After Site

Connecting Neighbors One Home Project At A Time

Welcome to Dunwoody Dreaming, your home renovation site with a twist!

The site where before and after photos help you to dream BIG!  From the glamorous renovations to the not-so-glamorous home repairs, we’ve got you covered.

Roof Replacement in Mill Glen

Roof Replacement in Mill Glen

I don’t think there has ever been a time in my life when I have been so thankful to have a roof over my head.  The big storms that hit on Easter Sunday were a reminder of how fortunate we are to have a nice home and how quickly that can be taken away.  That, coupled with the 5 weeks of quarantine that we have been in, have made me ever more grateful for my little family and the house that we...

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Ranch Renovation in Dunwoody

Ranch Renovation in Dunwoody

It's week three of quarantine and we are all hanging in there.  My house looks like a tornado ripped through, my kids are still eating more than I ever thought was possible, and if I step on one more lego....  Anyway, I digress!  Funnily enough, writing this blog is a wonderful distraction and I hope it serves to do the same for you as you read. Before all this started, I enjoyed taking photos...

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Whole House Makeover in Mill Glen

Whole House Makeover in Mill Glen

Well friends, we are almost through week one of our new normal and if, like me, you are struggling to keep a clean house, your kids are eating you out of house and home, and you are desperate for a few minutes of peace to get a grip on your house, then you might appreciate looking at a beautiful, clean kitchen and enjoying from afar.  So for a few minutes today, as you enjoy your glass of wine...

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